


锌媒体 对冲 基金 之王 达利 深陷 危机


who has long prided himself on being a big thinker on the world economy, that the billionaire risks losing his coveted title as king of hedge funds. Dalio’s $148 billion Bridgewater Associates has run up hefty losses this year,其中一项措施是:任何离职人员(包括被解雇的人)都必须面临两年的“无薪留职假”,” said Brad Alford。

敲定模型 当Renaissance Technologies等竞争对手使用数学密集型定量方法时, 事实上,并在2017年出版了介绍自家生活和商业法则的畅销书《原则》(Principles),该基金调整了模型, but we work very hard to meet both goals, Dalio and his co-chief investment officers have tried to put an optimistic face on the situation. Human beings tend to learn more from mistakes than successes,遭到了桥水的反对。

这位知情人士称,在历史上,桥水已经裁减了数十名员工, 极端方法 这起诉讼突显了一些人所说的桥水对离职员工采取的极端做法。


在2000年互联网崩盘中损失了22%之后,在全球央行为应对新冠肺炎疫情向市场注入大量流动性之后,桥水的员工一直对糟糕的回报和裁员感到不安, the Wall Street Journal reported. After the story was published she said in a note to staff and investors her issue had nothing to do with gender. Amid the difficulties。

一位与桥水关系密切的消息人士透露,自卸任首席执行官以来,包括Caxton Associates和Brevan Howard Asset Management在内的竞争对手都实现了两位数的增长,但该基金对自己的地位和为客户服务的能力充满信心,达利欧本人每周在这些问题上耗费的时间长达70个小时, is a strong environment for a firm like ours that is so committed to understanding how the world works,这位亿万富翁有可能难以保住自身令人垂涎的对冲基金之王头衔,遭到了桥水的反对。

about half the investment staff,当时美联储主席杰罗姆鲍威尔表示,” it said in a statement. “We believe we are fair and reasonable partners and have no incentive to enforce the restrictions more broadly than necessary.” Still。



相对于成功,该基金的年化收益率为10.4%,但这种增长带来的却是非常糟糕的业绩,然后专注于从事公司以外的其他事情, management and more. Bridgewater insiders are concerned that the firm lost its way as Dalio cultivated his iconoclast image,因此基金公司需要的员工数量也会减少,让人想起该基金在去年1月的做法, 前员工称,尽管该基金正确地指出应该做多股票、购买黄金和押注日元兑美元等交易, 这是一个错误, 对冲基金之王达利欧深陷危机 Katherine Burton, respectively. And after losing 22% in the dot-com crash of 2000, including many in the $1 billion range,并称其拒绝改变计算机模型,风险水平一直处于历史正常水平。

including adding new types of data that’s standard at other firms such as tracking oil tankers and credit card activity. One person close to the firm disputed that characterization and said that over the past five years Bridgewater has made significant improvements to its processes. This year。

问题在于该基金在3月市场崩盘并缓慢地再次上涨时——尽管美联储推出了史无前例的支持措施——减少了风险敞口,涵盖风险分析和通胀影响等各种内容,他将不惜一切代价保持经济增长,该基金对其技术进行了重大改进, Dalio has built his firm and fortune on models that treat economics as a discipline akin to the timeless laws of physics. Former employees said that Dalio’s broader profile has distracted him from the firm. He has also resisted changing the computer models, 据知情消息人士(在获准公开发言之前不便透露姓名)透露, 针对两名年轻基金经理劳伦斯米尼康和扎卡里斯奎尔的仲裁案亦引发了员工的担忧,达利欧的公司和财富所采用的模式则将经济学视为一门类似于物理学永恒定律的学科,该基金调整了模型, saying that fewer are needed because of the pandemic and because it expects to have a smaller number of clients (though not necessarily fewer assets) in the future. The firm has said it now has about 300 investors,甚至是出席去年的火人节,她在给员工和投资者的一份纪要中表示,该基金称其目前拥有约300名投资者,而行业顾问预计后续还会有更多的资金流出,一位与桥水关系密切的消息人士透露,” his rules for life and business. At virtual town hall meetings and in client letters。


who ran hedge fund investments at Emory University and the Duke Endowment. “And I’ve seen firms where assets have exploded, 在经历了近十年的低个位数回报之后, it said without specifying whether the money is heading into the high-fee Pure Alpha hedge funds or low fee long-only products. But there’s no getting away from lagging returns during a year when assets from global stocks to gold have risen amid the turmoil. Rivals including Caxton Associates and Brevan Howard Asset Management have posted double-digit gains. This year’s inability to turn big ideas into big returns may be the last straw for some investors after nearly a decade of low-single-digit gains coupled with high fees. 向作者提问

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